Saturday, May 15, 2010

freshman 15

Freshman year of college is over and it flew by! No I didn't gain the dreaded "freshman 15". This post is to list the most important fifteen things I learned my first year away from home.

  1. Meet new people and value close friendships. Don't let the fear of "not fitting in" cause you to miss out on some of the most amazing friendships you will find.
  2. Setting multiple alarms is vital in order to make it to 6 AM practice on time.
  3. Pulling all nighters only works if you actually study.
  4. Don't be too sensitive. It will only bring you down and lead to entirely too much stress.
  5. Finding a church is important. Don't wait until the last few weeks of school to finally decide where to go.
  6. People are human, humans make mistakes. Pray, forgive, love unconditionally.
  7. Umpires are always right. Check the box score.
  8. Fighting is stupid and pointless. Love is not a fight.
  9. Core classes are pretty boring, but classes for your major are great, and if you don't think've chosen the wrong major.
  10. Have no regrets. Do everything without holding back. Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.
  11. Don't let society's definition of attraction and beauty bring you down. Self-confidence will take you further than make up and expensive clothes.
  12. Life is precious. Value it. Respect it.
  13. Don't try to be perfect, in the end you'll become someone you're not, and lose people that mean the world to you.
  14. Stay close to your friends at home, don't shut them out just because of distance. In the end they will be the ones always there for you.
  15. Value relationships. Show respect. Hold nothing back. Don't try too hard. Just be yourself.

This year has been one crazy time. Living on my own for the first time has proven to be challenging but rewarding. The memories made this year will last forever. I've learned so much more than what's listed above, I just find those to be the most important.

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