Saturday, November 27, 2010

life as a stud athlete

Senior year of high school I was dead set on NOT playing soccer in college. I knew I was going to Union and I had no intentions whatsoever to play soccer there. Now, after two years of getting my butt kicked by Union soccer I can't imagine what I'd do without it. It isn't just a sport anymore, it is my family. I have more "sisters" than I could ever ask for. Papa BB and Isaac may kill us in practices and games, but at the end of the day they are so loving and we know we can always go to them. Like every family we have our problems. We may not always see eye to eye, but I can't fathom my college experience without my team.

It isn't always easy juggling school with soccer. We practically live on the road first semester. Sometimes I'm not sure if it is worth it; missing class to travel four hours on a bus. However, when we step out of the locker room onto the field I remember why I love the sport so much. Yes, missing class gets old, but it is indeed worth it. I love the people who get jealous of all the class we get to miss. Reality check: it isn't fun making up everything all the time, nor is copying random people's notes that don't make sense.

Coach often reminds us that we are student athletes. School comes first, then soccer. Likely story. Soccer always comes first.

People say "don't you just love off season, you get to relax", but there is no such thing anymore. Any time out of regular season is spent in the weight room or on the ball. Always striving to get faster, stronger, better. There is always something that can be done to make us better players. Six AM fitness, afternoon weight training, inner team scrimmages.

After a frustrating day of classes nothing is better than taking it out on the field. Or just vent to other teammates about frustrations. Practices serve as more than just a time to get better. We like to catch up or help each other out by listening.

Hard practices, few chances to go home, frustrating, time consuming, overwhelming, but worth it. I wouldn't have it any other way.

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